Fossilisa   README


Fossilisa is a program written in fish that extracts the content of Fossil or Git repositories, with some limitations, allowing to modify it in several ways (including combining several repositories) and then create a new Fossil repository from it (support for Mercurial repositories is under development).

How it works

The content of the source repository is extracted into a work directory. The content of every extracted commit or check-in (called "entry" here) is saved into a subdirectory named after the entry date, a label that identifies the source directory, the hash and the branch, separated by commas. Besides, a homonymous text file (with the ".comment.txt" extension) is created containing the corresponding entry comment.

Example of three entry subdirectories with their comment files:


Before creating the new repository, the extracted content can be modified by the user, and control files can be added in order to configure the building process, e.g. fix missing files or force the parent of an entry. The naming convention of the control files is described in the usage instructions.

If there’s a problem during the building, for example there are missing files or a check-in fails for any reason, a message is displayed and a terminal is open to let the user fix the problem manually (and also create the corresponding control file to manage the issue automatically the next time the building is tried).

Eventually the work directory will be ready to build automatically a new Fossil repository out of it.




    Extract the content of a repository into a work directory.
      --from FILE|DIRECTORY
        Set the source to extract the content from. The three
        possible sources are checked in the following order:
        1) a Fossil repository file;
        2) a directory containing a <.git> directory;
        3) a directory containing backups, i.e. files having a
           date prefix in format 'YYYYmmddHHMM_'. Compressed
           archives are recognized and extracted.
      --to DIRECTORY
        Set the target work directory. An index file is created in
        this directory (use `--verbose` to see its name),
        containing the data from the repository timeline (Fossil)
        or log (Git), which then is used to make the entry
        directories and the comment control files.
      --repo-id LABEL
        Set the repository ID used in the entry directories. If
        not specified, the last directory of the repository path
        (Git) or the base filename (Fossil) is used and a warning
        is displayed.
      --branch BRANCH
        Set the Git branch name to be used in the entry directories
        instead of the default 'unknown'. The actual branch name
        cannot be extracted.
        Keep the temporary .zip archives in the work directory,
        instead of removing them. These archives are used to extract
        the content of a Fossil or Git repository. Their name is
        that of their corresponding entry directory. 
        Use long hashes instead of short ones, in the entry
        directory names.


    Purge files from the work directory.

      --from DIRECTORY
        Set the work directory.
      -f|--file FILE
        Add 'FILE' to the list of files to be purged. This option
        can be repeated as many times as needed.
      -s|--since DATE
        Set given 'DATE' as the date of the first entry directory
        from which files will be deleted. All files specified by
        `-f | --file` will be deleted only in entry directories
        named with a date equal or newer than 'DATE', provided at
        least one such a directory exists. The date format is
        'YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM+HHMM' (trailing parts can be ommited, but
        the minimum precision is 'YYYY-mm-dd').
        WARNING: The date must exist. If no such a date exists in
        the name of an entry directory, no file will be deleted.
      --branch BRANCH
        Set a filter to purge only the files that are in entry
        directories that belong to the given `BRANCH`. 
        NOTE: The branch of an entry directory is the part of its 
        name situated after the last comma.


    Build a Fossil repository from the content of a work

      --from DIRECTORY
        Set the source work directory.
      --to FILE
        Set the target Fossil repository file.
      -A|--admin-user USERNAME
        Select given 'USERNAME' as admin user.

  mmv ?OPTIONS?

    Perform a 'multiple move', i.e. a batch version of `mv`.
    First open the editor with two parallel lists: the missing files
    on the left side and the extra files on the right side. Then
    let the user sort them to make the names match, i.e. line
    1 on the left side contains the old filename, while line 1 on the
    right side contains its new name.

    When the editor is closed by the user, execute `fossil rename`
    with the contents of every pair of lines.


      -e|--editor 'EDITOR options'
        Editor to use, with its required options to open the files
        in vertical windows. If this option is not used, and Neovim
        is installed in the system, `nvim -O` is used; otherwise, if
        Vim is installed, `vim -O` is used. Otherwise the content
        of the `$EDITOR` system variable is used, and the user
        must configure its windows.


    Display the full help.


    Display the version.

OPTIONS (generic)


    Display help about the given command instead of executing it.


    Display instead of run actions.


    Display more details about the actions.

NOTE: all of the long options are recognized also with a single
hyphen, e.g. `--help` and `-help` are equivalent.


  The `build` command can be controlled by files created in the work
  directory and whose base names are those of the entry directories
  they affect. In the following description 'ENTRY' means the name
  of the corresponding entry directory.


    This file contains the name of a new branch for the
    check-in. `--branch NAME` will be added to `fossil commit`,
    being 'NAME' the content of the file.


    This file contains the check-in comment.


    This file is interpreted as a fish shell source after the
    checkout directory contains only the files of <ENTRY>, and
    before they are added to the repository. This file normally
    contains only `fossil rm` and `fossil mv` instructions to
    handle the missing files from the previous entry, but it can
    be used for other tasks, for example to add a tag to the
    previous check-in.


    This file contains the name of the branch that will be the
    parent of the entry corresponding to <ENTRY>. This file
    forces a checkout of that parent branch, and adds `--branch
    NAME` to the commit of <ENTRY>, being 'NAME' the branch
    noted in <ENTRY>.


  Marcos Cruz (, 2021, 2022.

(Included in the source file.)


Fossilisa has been successfully used to tidy and rebuild several repositories that were a mess because of Git, and also to restore the history of their renamed files, which is not preserved by a direct conversion from Git to Fossil.

Nevertheless Fossilisa is a work in progress and it may have bugs. There’s no warranty. The program does not modify the source repositories in any way, but making copies of them is always a good idea.

Fossilisa was written just to suit the needs of its author, and therefore it doesn’t support many possible features.


Marcos Cruz (, 2021, 2022.